Putting expenses through company


Registered User
A landlord not allowed claim for own time, painting gardening etc.
could I set up a limited company for this kind of work and claim this work as expenses through the company.
A neighbour of mine is a Plummer which is setup as a limited company and he also has a lot of investment properties he claims painting etc through the pluming company as an expense that he does himself. Is this allowed
by expense do you mean to claim a wage from the company for the time spent, on which you pay income tax anyway I fail to see any benefit to you setting up a company.
What would the company you are going to set up do with the money that you pay it???
I would not claim a wage. To paint one of the houses it would cost €2,000 for a contractor so this is an expense that I can claim, if I paint it myself all I can claim for is the paint few hundred at best I cannot charge for my time.
So if I setup the limited company and it charged me €2,000 for the paint job, now the full €2,000 is now an expense.
What would I do with the money in the company? Leave it their for a Rainey day when I did not have a job?