PTSB AGM: are you a shareholder with tracker issue?


Registered User
Hi all,
Last year I went to the PTSB AGM and asked questions of Masding about their dealings concerning "discounted" trackers. It was reported in the press and PTSB phoned me the next day to discuss my case.

It keeps the pressure up. I have still not heard anything back from the central bank review but will keep up the pressure for as long as I can as I believe I have been deceived by them and want justice.

I would encourage anyone who is a shareholder and affected by the tracker issue to attend and ask questions of the new chairman of the board. He probably "won't know anything" as he is new but we can still probe him to act responsibly and ethically to deal with the disaster tracker mortgages scandal that is destroying any credibility and trust in PTSB as a bank in which anyone would have any trust.

Hope to see you there!