PTSB Action Group : Meeting Monday 30th April 8pm


Registered User
Hi All,

Time 8 pm

Venue to be decided. Email me for details

Can you please email us on if you have any questions! Let us know if you can make it.

We plan to try & set up a Skype conference call to allow people outside of Dublin to join us, details of how to connect to follow.....
Sorry guys. Would really like to be there but with being in Limerick and having work on Tuesday it's just not feasible.......
We will join using skype though hopefully.
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You need to get more people involved, ie all 80k mortgage victims in ptsb. How can i help???
How did the meeting go? What's the next step? I have done all the letters to Regulator, Politicians, Ombudsman etc. Are we calling for a No vote from all PTSB customers to gain some publicity etc.. and to get the attention of politicians/government who have sided with the bank again.. What next?

Thats a very good idea.