PS February retirements - is there a legal need to apply today 31 Jan?

4th estate

Registered User
Hi all,

Just looking at Mr. Appleby's (ODCE) imminent retirement, which came as a shock to the Government

I heard somewhere on radio earlier today that all applications for this scheme should be in today.

Does anyone know where this is stated in Government circulars etc? AFAIK a person can retire from the PS without any notice, in other words there is no statutory notice period. I could be wrong about that.

So if someone is fortnightly paid, as a courtesy, in the absence of any legislative practise, surely many can give notice up to 14th February, or retire on 29th if they wish!!

Just wondered about this, thanks.
Hi 4th estate,

People have specific date limits (one month; 3 months - for example) in the Public Sector by which they may retire. Many have contracts that state the exact specified period.

The offer is over today for a specific offer that is not normally available in the public sector - it is an exceptional offer in an exceptional climate.

I'm in the public service and in my building there is only one employee (not me - too young ) leaving under this exceptional circumstance.

BTW, there are 60 public sector employees now in my building and only 4 employees are aged over 50 and less than 55 . The rest are younger.

The vast majority of staff are on contracts as opposed to permanent contracts.

Thanks Marion,

I also heard from a friend who is CS (this is why I posted the Q here), that there is no minimum notice period for retirements or resignations in the CS!!

That surprised me, but what do I know!! So I just wondered about the February thing, and if there is any literature about the closing date. For my satisfaction you know.
Hi 4th estate

I'm in the public service as opposed to the civil service - so the rules are clearly different. We, definitely have defined dates.

I believe a circular letter was distributed early in the year outlining the closing date.

I may be missing something, but the objective of setting a target retirement date for the Public Service of last day of Feb 2012 (i.e. notice to be given by today) means that people retiring will not pay tax on their lump sum and their pension will be based on the pre-cut salaries (ie pre-austerity cuts 2 years ago). Apologies if this is not news!