PRSI Refund?


Registered User
I am currently submitting my tax returns for 2005 where I was both a sole trader and a PAYE worker. Upon calculating my PRSI for the year(based on total income), I have discovered I have paid too much based on the PRSI I paid as a PAYE worker. I am wondering can I get a refund on the difference and how I would go about getting it? I can't see anywhere on the return asking if I paid PRSI already as a PAYE worker.
It is possible to apply for a PRSI refund. The relevant forms are downloadable from Basically you have to give detaisl of you rPRSI paid and the reason you seek a refund.

However I have gone through this process in the past and have waited 6 months for a refund.

This is a very manualy process for the Department and when I have queried the location of my application, I have been told that they have a hugh backlog and very little resources.

Good Luck
singinvestor said:
I am currently submitting my tax returns for 2005 where I was both a sole trader and a PAYE worker. Upon calculating my PRSI for the year(based on total income), I have discovered I have paid too much based on the PRSI I paid as a PAYE worker. I am wondering can I get a refund on the difference and how I would go about getting it? I can't see anywhere on the return asking if I paid PRSI already as a PAYE worker.

Revenue do not deal with PRSI - it will not form part of your tax return of balancing statement

Contact your local social welfare office