prsi on bank interest


Registered User
Someone might please give me an informed opinion on a couple of items.I retired early a few years ago and have a company pension on which I pay paye and health levies.I also have some money in an NR account on which I pay DIRT.I have been doing some consultancy work over the past year and have recently finalised the tax for 2005.I have paid the tax and "S" Class PRSI etc.However, I find that I am now being charged this PRSI on the NR interest also.It seems strange that even though the income is split between PAYE and Self Employed they choose to add the income to the Self Employed section.Has anyone experienced this as I understood that DIRT was the total tax liability on interest.
Also, under the Self Employed system if you pay the 253 euro PRSI min. contribution does this cover you for the whole year or just the portion of the year that you have worked.
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