PRSI and USC on shares


Registered User
Hello, I am receiving a bonus of 3,555 euro from the company that I work for , I am allowed purchase shares of 2,642 euro leaving me with 913 euro, As far as I can gather I can invest this 913 euro in with forgone salary between March and September , My worry is should I just invest the 2,642 euro I am allowed to invest and hold back the rest for PRSI and USC charges , This is the first year my shares have matured so I am fairly clueless , Thanks in advance for any help .
I'm not sure what you are doing here - you are talking about purchasing shares which I get but then you mention shares maturing. Maturing shares to me would indicate that you have already bought them, held them for the required period and now you can sell them.

Reading between the lines it looks like you have the option of buying shares under an approved profit sharing scheme with a salary forgone option. If this is the case ask the administrator the question about the USC and PRSI and they may be able to provide you with the answer.