PRSA service suppliers



Is there any difference between suppliers of the PRSA service, i.e. do they all charge the same commission etc, and where do youy go to find a list of suppliers. I am starting a small business & need an agent for this.
Check the Pensions Board website:

Standard PRSAs have charges capped at 5% on each contribution and 1% p.a. management fee on the full value of the fund. Non standard PRSAs have no cap on charges. PRSAs can be bought directly from some companies or else through a broker or other intermediary. In some cases it's possible to negotiate or otherwise obtain better than 5%/1% charges (e.g. 0%/1%) on PRSAs - often by transacting the business on an execution only (no advice or handholding) nil commission basis with a broker who will probably charge a once off fixed fee of up to a couple of hundred €. Note that it may also be possible to get even lower charges on a standard personal pension plan. Best thing to do is figure out your pension needs and then choose the most appropriate pension vehicle (PRSA, personal pension plan etc.) with the required flexibility and features and lowest possible charges once you are clear on what's most suitable for your own personal situation. If in doubt seek advice from a truly independent professional advisor (e.g. an authorised advisor or perhaps a multi-agency intermediary but NOT a tied agent).
Beware! Making an educated guess more than 99% of authorised advisors or multi-agency intermediarys are not 'truly independent'