protection and insurance


Registered User
i was wondering if someone would have any idea where the best deals for home insurance and mortgage protection and life insurance is, Are all of these manditory. Whats should we expect to pay, whats the best type of cover, If someone could please advise as i am completely confused and starting to panic
See this thread for an overview on the different types of cover. Search for the many other threads on shopping around for the best deals in this forum and the Insurance forum.
Don't worry - it's not really.

You definitely need mortgage protection life assurance for each person on the mortgage/deeds. Usually the cheapest decreasing term policy will do. Only buy a level/convertible term policy if you really need it. Other general life assurance requirements can be taken care of separately. Shop around for the best deal. Don't buy from your lender just for the sake of it as they will usually be more expensive than alternative sources. There are lots of threads/posts on this already on AAM.

Home insurance is mandatory and must be for at least the rebuilding costs specified by the lender's valuation report. Shop around, insure for the rebuilding cost and not the market value, review it each year and check the detailed terms & conditions to ensure that policy is right for your needs. Check the Insurance forum for more on this and other types of insurance.

Mortgage repayment protection is not mandatory and is arguably bad value for money in many cases. I personally would avoid it but it's up to you. Again if you do go for it shop around, don't necessarily buy from your lender and check the detailed terms & conditions of the poicy to clarify when and for how long it pays out.

If in doubt get independent, professional advice - not from a tied agent/sales person though.

That's it!
Stupidly we did take everything with our lender, as we were not advised otherwise, Although we should of done our home work, its not to late to change is it?
You should be able to change mortgage protection life assurance and home insurance cover to another provider at any time. If you have taken mortgage repayment protection cover (have you?) then you may be stuck with that or only able to cancel rather than replace it - I'm not 100% sure and don't really like such policies in most cases. What stage are you at? Have you closed and drawn down the mortgage yet? Don't expect independent advice from the lender. They just want to sell you additional financial products some of which you may not need.