Protecting the local music industry - should we tax the 'streaming' companies ?

Would it raise much revenue here?

They could tax ticket sellers like Ticketmaster with the proceeds ringfenced for the arts.
No, even if it works in France, here the money will end up as jobs for the boys aka rent seekers.

How about the government looking at the cost of putting on gigs here.
People don't realise how much Ireland punches above its weight culturally already. We are 0.06% of the global population but Irish actors are all over Hollywood, Irish music is streamed globally, and authors are in pretty much every bookshop in the world.

There is zero need for protection of any sort.
Given that artists complain that the rates they are paid by the streaming companies are far too low anyway, taxing it is probably going to see those companies cut their rates even further so not to be at a loss