Proposal to cut public spending

Yeah , I would 'nt hold your breath - an absolute pipe dream.
It's everyone's right under the constitution to join a Union.
You might also like to reflect on the impact an all out strike would have on any tentative economic recovery

Ha ha. Couldnt have summed up what is wrong with public sector trade unions any better than that post.
Ha ha. Couldnt have summed up what is wrong with public sector trade unions any better than that post.
Thanks , I think it is vital to point out that banning Unions is a pipe dream as the right to join a Union is enshrined in the Irish Constitution.
In the hugely unlikely event that the Government adopt an anti Union stance then it is only reasonable to point out that massive industrisl action may follow.

The public service is not an "industry"
The public service is not an "industry"
And unions don't represent "working class" people. They represent middle to higher income employees in what are protected sectors of the economy. It is usually the very "working class" people they were set up to represent that end up suffering the most due to their actions. The irony that their members can usually buy private health insurance to get around the shambolic state the Unions keep the Public Health System in should not be lost on anyone.