Property Sale: Title/Deeds not registered


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We are about to advertise a property (aptartment) for sale. It has came to light that the deeds/title was never registered.

We are now working with the bank to resolve this with all documents now signed etc. How long will the Land Registry process take to complete?

I assume until resolved this will impact conveyancing. We are keen to sell as soon as possible as the property is ex rental, so costing us money while vacant Is there a fast track process?

Would we be better to hold off advertising the property until resolved? The last thing we want is for sale to be falling through over this with the property to be relisted.

I don't believe it's that big a deal to get Land Registry updated, but like everything it will cost you in legal fees. Get your Solicitor on to it now to get the process rolling.

I wouldn't hold off - it takes time to find a buyer, even if you've a very hot property; and even longer for the conveyancing process. And your solicitor can be doing the Land reg bit while you are looking for a buyer.
Yes, property sale and conveyance is slow even with quick sale.
The bank has appointed a solicitor to resolve title etc and will pick up the bill. Their appointed solicitor was saying it could be many months which has us concerned.
If the process is say 3 months that's OK buf if it was to drag on it may be a drag on conveyance.
I think it took 2 months for my home to appear on the register. For what its worth it really was a "quick sale" - about 9 weeks max from going sale agreed to getting keys.