Proper two way cycle lane to be built on Dublin quays

I don't cycle in Dublin, so allow me to ask a stupid question.

We already have an artery which runs parallel to the North Quays and is pretty much dedicated to public transport, i.e. the Luas Red Line.
What are the issues with this being shared with cyclists?

I apologise if I am missing benefits that accrue from reducing overall road capacity, increasing personal/logistics/business costs and thereby limiting the efficiency of the economy.
I'm open to correction but I think tram lines are a hazard for bikes. Slippy and also the wheels get stuck in them with people going head first off their bikes. In sections it's too narrow for a segregated cycle lane. Though oddly cycling is banned from the wide bits as its only pedestrian and tram space.

opportunity missed for sure though.
....I apologise if I am missing benefits that accrue from reducing overall road capacity, increasing personal/logistics/business costs and thereby limiting the efficiency of the economy.

Apparently in Ireland, we are supposed to do whatever makes least economic sense ..... so time and time again, we plan things badly (i.e. make the port tunnel too low), overpay for things such as various construction projects, squander money on stupid stuff (i.e. the clock in the Liffey or voting machines) and last but not least, make poor use of limited resources such as roads !

Appointing people to influential positions within government & local authority who lack basic "cop on" or simply refuse to use common sense, may yet prove to be our number one talent...

There's a very simply solution to getting a load of traffic off the roads during peak hours - make all the school teachers & students commence class at either 8am or 11am, thereby taking a massive number of people off the roads during the morning rush hour

Rather than put bikes down the side of the Liffey, why not get the good people who supplied all the public bikes to now go and supply a load of canoes and we can all start rowing up and down the Liffey every day ... very good exercise, environmentally friendly, extremely cheap to run once the initial investment in the canoes is made, opportunity for sponsorship of the canoes etc
I start work between 7.30 and 8.00 so this wouldn't suit me therefore it's a stupid idea.

That's a great idea. We could also erect large nets from the spire and use human cannons placed along the canals. Obviously people would have to carry their own insurance and not have too many loose items about their person but other than that I don’t see any real problems with the plan. It certainly merits the setting up of a com-it-tee.
The objective is to get people out of their cars.

As people will never get out of their cars unless they are forced to.

They've been decreasing car capacity in the city over many years.
The objective is to get people out of their cars.

As people will never get out of their cars unless they are forced to.

They've been decreasing car capacity in the city over many years.

A good recession; that's what we need. The last one got all those white vans and most of the commercial 4X4's off the road.

The last thing the state should be doing is providing infrastructure that people want and need. Force them to do something they don't want, that's what I say! That's how democracy works!
Bloody people wanting to drive to work, dropping off their small children at the crèche first, doing some shopping on the way home before collecting their children. Sure why couldn't they do that on a bike? It was their choice to have children. Their choice to have a job. They should stay at home with their children and not bother working and paying tax or they should not have children. It's their choice. Whatever happens they should design their lives around not needing to drive. That should be the primary driver when making any decision;

"Will I have a family? No, I might need a car."
"Will I get old? No, I might need a car."
"Will I start a business and provide much needed employment? No, I might need a car"

Really the only people in Dublin who should be allowed to function normally are those rich enough to live in well serviced suburbs and work in places where there are showers provided or those poor enough to stay at home on welfare.

Sounds like you need to take a long, cold shower yourself
Parts of the Quays are currently one lane only. And it hardly moves at peak. You'll probably not notice the difference especially off peak.
make the port tunnel too low

Hadn't seen this old canard in some time. The tunnel was never built too low, the fact is that some gobdaw in a border county decided to buy up all the trucks that were being sold by people because they were too big for tunnels elsewhere in the continent!

"Super Trucks" are 4.6 meters high and so cannot be accommodated in many urban areas in Europe. That said they are exactly what's needed; they transport more goods while taking up the same space as standard trucks and therefore the goods they carry have lower carbon miles.