Problem recording from NTL/UPC Digital


Registered User
I set the digiibox for Midsomer Murders. Everything in order. It clunked into action at 8.00 pm but now under "My recordings" all I get is "No information available - 1 Jan". This has happened before. Any help, please. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!
Don't know, I've seen this before, I just deleted it. do you leave the box plugged in constantly?

The device seems to have a few bugs - ones I noticed so far after a few months are:

1. Deleted scheduled recordings re-appear (one I deleted has re-appeared twice)
2. Can't watch some recorded programmes as it thinks I'm not subscribed to the channel even though I am.
3. Just noticed yesterday that one film I recorded is 2 hours of black screen with no sound (info has the correct film name etc)
4. I'm also convinced that it recorded the wrong film once (info has the correct film name etc) - I don't know if the channel showed something different, as I didn't try to watch for afew weeks) but given the other issues I am not giving it the benefit of the doubt.
Thanks for that, mr(s) melly.

It was No 2 on your list which displayed when I attemped to play the yoke. It was on UTV, by the way.

It is extremely annoying. My family now think I'm an incompetent and I'm in everyone's bad books!

I keep the box plugged in constantly.
mr...Not much help, but No. 2 seems to come and go, maybe try it a few times over the next week.