

Registered User
Hi there,
My uncle died over 5 years ago. The solicitor is the executor of the will and will not return my calls, he passes messages through to his secretary. The UK estate has been sold and two auctions were held for his possessions. There are 10 beneficiaries and when I asked for a copy of the will and statement of accounts he said that it was not done anymore, so I have applied for a copy from the government website. I have kept copies of all his letters. There are two properties in Bulgaria that remain unsold and each time I call the solicitor's secretary says " Mr. Putin's escapades in the Crimea, Ukraine and elsewhere having an effect on the Russian and Bulgarian economies or the effect on its Brexit investors."
I'm fed up not getting an answer and don't know how to get any answers, I'm hoping somebody can help.
As far as I know the solicitor doesn't have to tell you anything unless you happen to be a beneficiary of your uncles estate. Perhaps you have seen the will and know you are being left something from his estate in which case I stand corrected.