Prime Time - 31.03.09 (Unemployment)


Registered User
Did anyone catch the discussion about unemployment on last nights Prime Time? Made for very depressing viewing. However, I found it very hard to believe the Architect who said she would work in SuperValue if they were hiring. Is it really that bad?
If you don't have a job and there are little prospects in your chosen field, then to get out of the house and feel you are contributing would make most jobs appealing. You may not stay in the job (overqualification) has it's downsides, but you'd only find that out after starting. I didn't see the prog but I imagine that this was a young newly qualified person.
I didn't see the prog but I imagine that this was a young newly qualified person.

The person who said this had 14 years experience as an Architect - I reckon she was around mid thirties.
I'm questioning is it really so bad because yesterday I saw a sign up in the window of a restaurant looking for all types of staff and I saw a similar sign up somewhere else over the weekend. I can imagine that restaurants, etc. wouldn't want to hire a qualified Architect as they would probably disappear at the first sign of a job in their field - but the impression given by the interviewed person was that these kind of jobs didn't exist in their area at all.
Hmmmmm! Job vacancy ads on windows are often left up well after their sell by date. If someone walks then all they've got to do is pick up the phone. But surely someone in that age group, with life skills that 10 years work or so brings, should be able to wheedle something more - unless things are extreeeemely grim out there.
It's fairly bad out there in my experience. I have been looking for 2 months and still haven't secured an interview. My CV was prepared with the help of an outplacement service and has been checked by a friend in HR. I'm looking at all levels of work as I would rather be working at something even it's only for 12 month until things hopefully improve. I have a degree and four years experience.
Did anyone catch the discussion about unemployment on last nights Prime Time? Made for very depressing viewing. However, I found it very hard to believe the Architect who said she would work in SuperValue if they were hiring. Is it really that bad?

What else are they going to do if it's taking ages to find a job they're qualified for, surely it's better than going on the dole
What else are they going to do if it's taking ages to find a job they're qualified for, surely it's better than going on the dole

But is it?

To take a job paying minimum wage might exclude you from a lot of benefits?

That's the problem with the social welfare/benefits system in this country - it pays so much that it removes the incentive to work (well until next week's Budget anyway).

I see what you mean. If you had kids or could get rent allowance you might have to think about it, otherwise I think the psychological benefits of feeling somehow useful to society should make you take whatever work you can get.
heard something like out of all architects employed here 14 months ago 40% have since lost their jobs, not to mention Quantity surveyors, CAD Technicians etc.

hopefully the US Market will pick up by late 2009 which should aid exports from here and give a boost to companies in the IFSC, i dont think the construction industry in this country will ever be half of what it was and i certainly dont see jobs like the ones in Dell being replaced as we're too expensive a country for low-skilled workers.

FAS will have to up skill a lot of demoralised folk...and i dont mean on their space programme over in Florida!

I was made redundant at the end of August last year and regardles of a very strong CV, a lot of experience and a proven track record, still did not secure another job. I have had loads of interviews and some of the companies I have interviewed for have gone bust since.

There is a possibility of me securing a 1 day a week work for a friend who is willing topay me the going rate which would work out around €200 per day. I now get €204.30 per week in Job Seeker's Allowance. Either way, it doesn't even cover my essentials, let alone any 'luxuries'. Now, if I took a job which pays less than a Job Seeker's Allowance, paid PAYE, PRSI and income levy I would be worse off.

My point is that as much as I don't want to receive any sort of social welfare payment (the only reason I am saying this here is because it is anonymous as it is a truly embarassing situation) and would much rather do one day a week of work if that's all I can get, it doesn't make financial sense. It's even worse for people with children as they would have an extra cost of childminder. To be honest, I don't think that Brian & Brian are taking this sort of situation into account and hence adding to the problem.

So you've worked for a number of years and have a track record so....

...Are you saying there is a stigma to being on welfare? Why? You paid into the system for years and now it's there for you.
If I got made redundant I'd be first in the queue at the nearest SW office the next morning , let RTE film crews show the queue if they wanted.
Have spent nine weeks on the dole in the past but I've paid it back many, many times over through PRSI by now.

And I'm sure you've done the same

I am not saying that there is a stigma attached to it, per se, but I never imagined being a thirty-something, healthy, educated and eager to work woman in receipt of social welfare benefits. I have contributed to the scheme for years but my mentality is that the scheme is for those who can't work or provide for themselves due to disabilities, injuries, etc., if you see what I mean. As much unemployment is out of my control I just cant get used to the idea of picking up €204 every week that I haven't worked for while in my own head, I could easily receive a well deserved pay cheque for a lot more than €200. I don't feel like a lay about, in fact, the whole job hunt is a lot more tricky, stressful, time consuming and soul destroying than anything I've ever done.

I don't understand. You could take the one day a week for 200 euro and 'sign off' for that day, thus getting 170 euro on the dole as well, total 370 per week.
I don't understand. You could take the one day a week for 200 euro and 'sign off' for that day, thus getting 170 euro on the dole as well, total 370 per week.

Is that a possible? In fairness I didn't check yet as the 1 day a week work is still only a slightly remote possibility. I have to go to the welfare office next week anyway and was planning to ask them then. Thanks for that!