Present for sister turning 30


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Would a give voucher (200 - 250 euro) for the new Michelin Star restaurant Mint in Ranelagh be a good present for my sisters 30th
She likes to eat out and lives in Dublin. Otherwise I was thinking about a gift voucher for a spa. Any other ideas would really be appreciated
Thnaks in advance
No ideas for presents sorry but get your birthday card from . Discovered it a few months back and its friends have spent more time commenting on the card than the pressie i bought them haha..
i'm turning 30 this year, have you thought of git vouchers for a shopping centre (every girl loves bags and shoes!) if she likes eating out then the dinner is also a great idea! i think i'm just thinking of me!!!

thats very generous of you - perhaps i could adopt you as my brother???

the dinner voucher sounds lovely, also vouchers for a shopping centre would be nice.

what kind of things is your sis into?
I agree, you are VERY generous. Wish my brothers would take a leaf out of your book
swordshead - thanks for the link to moonpig - have just ordered a card for friend's 40th - looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Freddie - you are indeed very generous!
Thanks to everyone for the replies looks like I'll go with the dinner voucher or maybe a Dundrum shopping voucher
Thanks to everyone for the replies looks like I'll go with the dinner voucher or maybe a Dundrum shopping voucher

Both are nice ideas - the only thing I would warn with any voucher is that a voucher is just cash in a restricted format - some people may just prefer the cash. Personally I hate vouchers because I feel pressure to go and use them and as a result have wasted many in my time - but if you know she shops regularly in Dundrum or uses the restaurant then this might not be an issue.

Seeing as you are willing to be so generous you could buy her a really nice actual gift rather than giving her a voucher?
Or why dont you actually bring her out for dinner @Mint...have a surprise "sister/brother night out" and you pay for everything instead of just giving her the much prefer that than being given vouchers!
My brother gave me a pair of chanel sun glasses for my 30th which I was thrilled with as I would never have treated myself to them. I think I'd prefer to get a present than dinner out as you'll always have the present - just my opinion!
Dinner voucher is good but not for MINT...having seen the documentary on how he runs his kitchen I would not go there. What about Chapter One or L'ecrivan...
I like to eat out (In fact I love to eat out) and also live in Dublin but wouldn't be into a voucher for Mint or Chapter One etc. No problems with either place but I would much rather either the €200 cash or a one for all voucher or a gift etc.
For Christmas, my brother got me a voucher for €80 for a really nice (but not overly priced) restaurant near us. I appreciated that much more. Perhaps if you did that and with the balance bought her a gift too. So she still has an actual present and can go for a nice birthday meal with someone.
I am also turning 30 very soon and think a voucher for BTs or Dundrum would be best. Your sister can buy herself something she might not ordinarily treat herself to. Cash? there is the dilemna of paying a bill or something practical like that. God forbid! Least with a voucher you just have to treat yourself!
I went with a 250 euro voucher for Mint in the end. I know she loves to eat out but wouldn't normally pay this much for a meal. Also she'll get to take a friend of hers who has been really good to her in the last few weeks.
Thought I would update on the Moonpig card - it arrived this morning and I am very pleased. May not even bother with a present now!!!