Postcard from Lybia

  • Thread starter Colon el Gaddafi
  • Start date

Colon el Gaddafi

As you know I as bin very busy over de last few months
helpin Tone an all dat, but is never to busy to visit me mates on de birchin BB an bring dem up to date.Tone as bin askin me to elp im wiv de financial advice on how to run his kingdom, cos de bloke he as bin usin he reccons is loosin de plot an he might loose is next errection.
We as hatched up a plan for im to use some of my blokes as Tone was very surprised how well off I was compared wiv imself.He was also amazed at how easily I kept control of me own kingdom.I as given im loads of tips on de imigration issue (he could not believe how easy it was till I explained me own policy)I as also lent is missis some of me old robes,I ad not got the heart to tell im Man she looks a mess!We is also discussin a few property deals for him just in case he comes un-stuck know what I mean. apparently is last advisor got banged up or deported or somfing.
I as also let im av a bit of spare plutonium an uranium I had kickin about. He will have to enrich it is self cos I aint payin for dat.Well dats all for now.
I is yo Colon
Looks like his spelling would be reprimanded if this was posted anywhere else on AAM!!!