Wrong forum Political Reform

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I was just wondering how this could be achieved in Ireland? As someone else posted a while back more then likely 25% of voters will vote Fianna Fail back in an election .
There are lots of issues but how could we change the election system? Who could instigate a change?
Turkeys won't vote for Christimas. It's up to us.

Anybody willing to sign up and give it a go?

Everyday there's a post somewhere saying we need political reform, hardly a week goes by without it in the national media or letters page. There seems to be some groups seeking it but they also tend to have their own "agendas" (environmental / far left) meaning they'll never get broad support. Our typical Irish response - whinge to each other and sit around and wait for a saviour (can't blame the British / Normans or Vikings on this one).

Anybody willing to sign up to a truly single issue party - only policy is political reform. No distraction of left wing / right wing, nationalist / unionist, just to change our system. Put an end to the parish pump politics and electing someone because they did great things in the local GAA. Local councils also need reform. No party is going to do this.

We do need to realise alot of what is wrong with our system is ourselves. We are selfish and to some extent we all have vested interest. To change, we need to leave that behind. We need to see the bigger picture, to see the Dail as a instrument for NATIONAL issues. A list system seems a good alternative with a big reduction in the number of TDs, Senators and local government. Maybe separating the ministers from the politicians, similar to the US system.

I don't see any credible alternative in the opposition parties. None of them would ever hurt their backbenchers or councillors.

We need a new option to take the politics out of politics (at least take the Irish version of politics out).

Now, all we need is someone to come along and do it for us.

Any takers?
Thanks Lostheplot.

We've certainly had a crowd of Turkeys running the country

Now where's George Lee when we need him
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