Plumbing issue - water coming out of sink plughole


Registered User
Hi there,

I'm new to the forum and hope it's ok to ask this:

I live in a small flat in a Victorian building, there are about 8 other flats. There is a sink in the kitchen, and then a toilet and sink and shower in the bathroom which is upstairs. Since last week I noticed that when the communal washing machine in the building is used, the plughole in my shower gurgles. The same day, I noticed that when I flush the toilet the sink plughole gurgles as well, and some water has been coming out (clear so far, thankfully but goodness knows how clean it is). I ran the shower and the water drained down except for about a few centimetres of water. I then used a suggestion of baking soda with vinegar washed down with hot water and thought that had done the trick because there was no water that I could see. But the problem is still going on, I then switched to an expensive drain cleaner liquid and followed instructions and used hot water and could hear water sort of emptying out below the shower. So I thought the problem was over. But today more water than ever before came out of the sink plughole when I flushed the loo (again it's clear water, no 'waste').

My query is: what could be causing this? Is it likely to be the washing machine, or is it toilet blocked even though it has always flusehd ok, or is it the shower? I'm really confused and would rather sort this out myself before involving the landlord as I don't want to get accused of having caused damage or anything even though I have done nothing out of the ordinary.

Its caused by a blockage.Where?I don't know because I'm not a plumber.Nor are you.Call the landlord.
The leak is further down the chain than the bathroom. When you shower or have the washing machine on a 'surge' of water is going down but not getting out quick enough. This pushes the water back up towards the sink and it's clear for now because the sink has a U-bend that holds a little water after draining in order to stop any smells coming back up. You will need to call the landlord as this will escalate quickly and can be dealt with easily by a professional from the outside (most likely cause) of the house. Tell the landlord it looks serious and explain to him that you use a drain clearer to no avail and you are afraid that the bathroom will overflow.
Agree with the above, call the landlord and ensure it's dealt with quickly. If flushing the toilet results in water coming back up through the sink, then there's a very good chance this is, or will become contaminated with fecal matter / bacteria.