plucking/waxing eyebrows for men


Registered User
Can/do men get their eyebrows plucked/waxed. Don't think I am terribly vain but have started to grow a lot of 'lighter coloured' hairs and am not doing terribly well at plucking them, would a treatment centre be any good to me? Would I need to go back loads of times?
Lots of men doing this now. You should have much less regrowth with waxing. Very hard to find a good eyebrow waxer though (imo). Just don't get arched eyebrows - on men they just look scary.
I've plucked my Dads eyebrows in the past but he was asleep at the time!

You can go into any salon to get this done but it's just as easy to do it yourself with a tweezers and some practice. I've been told by beauticians that it's a bad idea to wax your eyebrows as the skin is so delicate and in the future you could end up with saggy skin around your eyes from constant waxing.

If you're finding plucking painful try numbing the area with bonjella first and make sure you're using a good tweezers - tweezerman are probably the best brand.
pator, I too am cursed with the 'Denis Healy look', exacerbated by an annoying tendency to sprout more white hairs there than anywhere else (I swear! )

Resist the temptation to wax 'em, whether at home or in an expensive salon (where you will undoubtedly be brow-beaten - HA! - into signing up for a whole lot of extra fripperies...) And once you start, you can't stop...

If you have a wife - or, better still, teenage daughters - get them to do the plucking for you, as a labour of love. And grumble all the way through the process about how much more dignified you looked with those statesman-like brows, and how it's only for their sakes that you're graciously yielding, etc...

Remember that one of the fundamental differences between men and women is that 'Real Men' simply don't give a toss about the ravages of time!
Why is it as men grow older we lose hair from the top of our heads and it sprouts from other places, eyebrows, ears, nose ..??
I can't see why this should be an issue for men - if you want to do it - just go and do it!
