Please suggest a University for Geography related studies


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My son is lnterested in Geography related studies for his Degree. He has opted for the below at CAO. How would you compare Trinity , Maynooth and UCD for Geography related studies? Which would be the best choice? Thanks...

He wants to pursue a career in Geography. I contacted the universities on the prospect of an Integrated Masters in Geography, but none of them offer that. Have to apply for that once he complete his basic geography degree.
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Very difficult to answer as each course is different. It really depends on what your son would like to achieve/do as a result.

An undergraduate general Geography degree is a good general degreee and opens up quite a few avenues. However it is not particularly specialized.

The Geography course in Trinity and the social science geography in Ucd would be very similar. The other two have additional specialities including geoscience

It also depends on the length of the course as to how much content there is- 3 or 4 years? Are any of them examined/part examined by thesis or coursework/practical work?

It’s over 25 years since I did my Geography Degree (UCD)
Very difficult to answer as each course is different. It really depends on what your son would like to achieve/do as a result.

An undergraduate general Geography degree is a good general degreee and opens up quite a few avenues. However it is not particularly specialized.

The Geography course in Trinity and the social science geography in Ucd would be very similar. The other two have additional specialities including geoscience

It also depends on the length of the course as to how much content there is- 3 or 4 years? Are any of them examined/part examined by thesis or coursework/practical work?

It’s over 25 years since I did my Geography Degree (UCD)
Geography is also such an enormous subject with elements of physical, human, environmental, regional and economic aspects. I doubt very much than anyone studying Geograohy enjoys all aspects equally (I certainly didn’t).
Comparing universities objectively is difficult at the best of times let alone specific courses in each. But then I don't think you should be objective, ultimately it's about finding the best fit for your sons interests.

Unless he has a specific career in mind I would think the quality of course across Irish universities will be broadly the same. It's the mix of location and subject that will contribute to his enjoyment and overall academic performance.

There is likely to be strength and weaknesses in each degree. A combination of open days and course descriptions would be a good place to start for getting a feel of each. Has he visited all the locations and/or talked to some of the lecturers? Pandemic aside he's likely to spend a lot of time in the university. There may be specific modules in one degree that will interest your son more than another. Looking across each there may be one degree where the courses might stand out for him.

The caveat will all of the above is his interests will likely change/grow as most this level courses will be very different from what he's known before.

It's been many decades since I looked at the CAO process but is it not too late to change his mind? The choice may be made for him rather than by him.
My son is lnterested in Geography related studies for his Degree.
My son did the first year in Geography in 53.3845° N, 6.6011° W before transferring to History and Politics in 53.3065° N, 6.2187° W. ;)

He said it was a good course but he was more interested in the more expensive option of repeating first year in a different degree which will make him less employable.