Planning to move to Budapest (apartment wanted)

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Hello everyone, this is my first time on this site and to be honest it seems like a good way in getting some good advice before i make any decisions. I have noticed that a user by the name of budapest seems to be very well informed about any topic concerned with renting or buying an apartment in Budapest. I would like to direct my question either to him or anybody else that can provide me with some helpfull information.
I am planning to move to Budapest either at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year. From past experince I know that locating a fairly good (meaning safe) location is a time consuming process, thats why my search is beginning fairly early in the year before I move. To be honest I know as much about Budapest as what you can google on the net and I am completely lost to the fact of which area of budapest is safe and which is not. From what i have read District V, VI and VII are supposed to be good and VIII is a no go! What is the difference between Buda side and Pest side?????
To make things short, these are the features i am looking for:
1. preferably a 2 bedroom apartment
2. furinished (meaning everything)
3. between 60 to 100 m2
4. Parking Place (a definite must)
5. price between € 350 - 600 a month (curious to know if water, electricity..etc is all included in the price of rent and if not how much does it cost on average in Budapest???)

Another important fact- I am planning to stay in Budapest at least for a year, so if all goes as planned will be staying for a much longer period of time.

Thanks in advance!!! :)
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