Planning permission, Cork County


Registered User
I am in my mid 40's single and I live in England and I am looking at buying a site where planning permission can be difficult. I am looking at buying a site next door to my elderly mother, who lives alone in Cork County, where my my family have been for over 50 years. I hope to apply and be granted permisson to live there permanently based on the following 'category of rural housing need'.

'Returning Emigrants – lived for more than 7 years – in local rural area – wish to reside near other immediate family members, to care for elderly, work locally or retire'

I know there are a lot of factors at play, however has anyone been successful/unsuccessful while using this as a basis for their application?

Can anyone recommned a good planning consultant who might be able to advise/assist?

Thank you.
Yes. I was successful in getting planning in Cork County on that basis. I did also show that my qualifications made it possible for me to get employment in the local area. I included a letter from a prospective employer stating that they would have vacancies coming up that I would be a suitable candidate for a position .
The planning consultant that I had has recently retired so I can’t help you with that.
Best of luck.