Planning application process


Registered User
Hi All,

We're considering looking for Planning Permission on a plot.
At present we're ringing around trying to find architect to handle the Outline PP application for us.
Can anyone tell me what the normal process is? Is it normal to try to organise a meeting with a council planner to have a chat about the project before going to an Architect to get a feel for whether it's good/bad idea or do you just go straight into the application process?
We're thinking OPP first to see if it's a goer and then detailed plans.
Any comments/ advice?

A lot of the councils now have planning officers who conduct "clinics" where you can get a lot of information and are well worth going to. It is also worth downloading the developement plan for your county/area as this can give you lots of information on what type of dwelling will be permitted/not permitted etc.. Am going through the same process myself at the moment..Good Luck!!
Micheller, its not a bad idea to check out with the planner in your area where you can build, and what you can build. It costs you nothing to speak with the Co Council Planning Office and I have always found them very helpful. In fact, far from costing you it should actually save you some time and energy and possibly money rather than paying an architect / technician / engineer just to find that building was never going to be allowed in the first place.