planning and existing trees



I have recently put down a booking deposit on a house. On inspection of property during the week I found that there were 2 large conifer trees about 6 feet away from the front of the house. I was under the impression that these were being knocked down.
On contacting the estate agent I was told that planning permission was granted subject to preserving existing trees and hedge rows. Builder wants to get rid of the trees but says Planning Authority is still on his back. He said that he will remove in next few weeks but I have my doubts.
These trees along with being an eye sore, will block any light from the house, threaten to fall down during a storm and the roots would certainly damage foundations.
If the builder cannot get rid of these trees, on moving in could I have them removed, or would I have to go to Council to get permission to knock them down?
that would be my thoughts, still don't want to be shelling out a grand to cut them down though