Wrong forum Picket Fence

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villa 1

Registered User
Hi All. I have recently pruchased a house in a new estate that has an open plan design (no garden walls). I do have a front garden grassed area and the cars are parked to the side of the house. My problem is that I do not have any privacy as people can pass my front sitting room and look in using my footpath as a form of access to the other houses along side mine(semi-d). Can I fit a picket fence to stop this practice as I already have installed a paved brick footpath up through the front garden to the front door? This picket fence will be installed in my garden that borders the public footpath next to the road.
People cross the garden and local dogs have a habit of leaving nasty messages there as well!!
The picket fence will be tastefully erected and maintained.
This post may well be in the wrong forum. It should be on the garden section but for some reason the post has been closed. By the way I did not try to bump up the post, I just put it into the wrong area!!
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