Photographic copyright - is my client in breach of the law?


Registered User
A year ago I supplied digital image files for a book. The book was published - with my name on the credits page.

When no payment arrived after a few months, I contacted the client to be told that they didn't like the images, but they used them anyway after the designer had tweaked them to their satisfaction. They claimed that there would have been no time to re-shoot. Needless to say, I was a bit surprised.

The amount involved (under €2k - though since January of this year, under EU law, it is subject to interest of 7.5% + ECB) doesn't warrant chasing them for that reason alone.

I cannot pursue a business-to-business claim through the small claims court. (Now, more than ever, that should be possible.)

However, it has been suggested to me that they may guilty of the more serious issue of breach of copyright.

Is this so?

