petrol into diesel van

Not good, but not nearly as bad as putting diesel into a petrol motor! How much did you put in? Fill the rest of the tank to the brim with diesel, before you drive much further...
Interesting reading, Eeek!!!! - thanks for the link. But that "petrol is death to diesel engines" bit strikes me as a bit OTT. I'll be submitting my diesel car for the NCT soon, and all the garages/mechanics I've spoken to recommend throwing a fiver's worth of petrol into the mix, the week before the test. Apparently it burns off all the deposits and temporarily makes your emissions that bit "cleaner"... not that I really believe I'll be failed on that particular item!
A friend drove about 7 miles during the week after accidentally filling his diesel car with petrol. Car lost power and ground to a halt.

Garage dropped the tank, and cleaned out the fuel pump. €195. Car then started fine - looks like no damage has been done.

The thing about a small bit of petrol into a diesel is an old taxi drivers trick. It works, for a short while.
Depends on the engine, older design diesel engines are less harmed by the petrol/diesel mix than newer ones. The older ones may tolerate it but from what I understand new diesel engines are designed to such fine tolerances that petrol will indeed kill it stone dead! Don't do it, it was an old taxi drivers trick - for old diesel engines!
The car involved above is a 2004 Mondeo. You can be lucky I guess.