Period of Illness - now I need to deal with a huge pile of Eircom legacy paperwork


Registered User

I wasnt well for many years. I have finally gotten around to tackling a huge mound of paperwork. I realised I had several uncashed dividend cheques from Vodafone and and have sent those back to be reissued today. I have also created an online account on computershare and given them my bank details.

I have so many copies of shares that I'm at sea really.

I have basically done nothing since I paid I think 7500 for Eircom shares during the flotation. I want to sell everything as I realise theres no capital gains tax for any of it .

The first issue Im dealing with is Verizon

Am I right in thinking that I probably have some sort of nominee account for Verizon but no share cert ?

I have a print out which seems to update every year. Is that all I need to sell the shares ?
Am I forced to only sell them through the holder of the shares in trust ? (nominee who issues this statement and whos contact details is on the statement of my holding)

Can anyone advise as to how long this will take ? Im dreading the bureaucracy.