Perhaps I can rescue a neglected cat/kitten from a shelter?

Go on, you know you want to keep her! They're so easy to get attached to and they seem to know when just the right person comes along - a hungry little kitten showed up in my garden about 5 years ago and after (half-heartly) trying to re-home him he's currently lying in the window sunning himself!

I would love to, but my 2 kittens don't appear to like her presence, and are very unsettled. Tips on introducing them, or will they get used to it?

On the other hand, dog is bonding very well! He loves cats/kuittens, and is best friends with existing 2 (sleep together, we go for walks together etc).....

I've had many cats come and go since childhood and mainly it just took time for them to settle together but for the moment don't let the new cat eat from their food dish, use their litter tray or sleep in their favourite spots and she'll seem less of a threat to them. Make sure to give them extra attention so they don't feel neglected but most importantly don't force the new kitten on them, let them get used to her in their own time and way.

Have spoken with Jane Kelly, from the cat rescue in Tullow. 'Kitten' is on the rehoming list but i am fostering her until/if a home becomes available. She has been putinto the dog crate, on Jane's advice, with blankets, food, litter tray etc which, as you suggest, will reduce the threat to the other kittens. A bit of walol climbing the crate earlier and panicky, but she has settled into it now and keeps falling asleep after her play and handinling which is done regularly. Part of me is hoping the cats will all integrate! Currently fast asleep with the dog lay beside the crate
I've got two cats and had two strays move in. (one of them unfortunately was hit by a car). they didn't like neither, and never really became friendly with either, but they all worked out some sort of mutual respect with the odd tiff. Really important, as already pointed out is to give the ones you have loads of attention, because usually it's the jealousy thing that gets them fighting. They don't like sharing the love!