Pensions Authority public consultation for reform and simplification of private pensions

I've always thought that the missing argument here is that a huge section of the population don't need anything other than the State Pension because of its size relative to their employment income.
Thank for the link to The Irish Times summary. Saved me having to read 40 pages of another meaningless report. The Irish Times article referenced two other reports that were carried out on Irish pensions, one in 2014 and the other in 2010. NOTHING has been done on the back of these previous reports so why do they feel the need to come out with another consultation paper? To pay some consultant hundreds of thousands to write? This is akin to tidying your desk and pretending you are doing some work.

The focus of the Pension Authority consultation document is largely on occupational schemes and, in summary, the recommendations contained in this document comprise:
  • Changes to trusteeship to include a minimum qualification and experience standard on a collective basis and an ongoing CPD requirement.
  • The introduction of a system of scheme authorisation.
  • Enhancements to the current supervisory and enforcement processes.
  • Rationalisation of pension vehicles.
Nothing concrete on improving the transparency of pension charges which is screaming out for attention.

Very much focused on process and governance.
Another yapping shop, ie do as little of substance as you can, for as long as possible. ie keep it on the long long finger and pray something turns up.

I like Sbarretts comment.