Pension Queries


Registered User
The following is my pension history to date. Now I would like to know what is the best type of pension plan from now on.
I am now aged 52, single, no kids, never married.
History to date.
Age 26. Commenced working No pension plan.
Age 32. Went to work in EU for 11 years. Subscribed to company pension.
Age 43 Returned to Ireland. Worked with private company for 2 Years. No pension.
Age 45. Commenced working in Local Government on Contract basis. Opened private pension plan paying approx.€800 per month before tax.
Age 50. Made Permanent in same job. Ceased private pension and am now being deducted approx.€190 monthly by my employer for"superannuation" No other pension contributions being made.
Other info:Mortgage of €1500 monthly ( 20 years left).
So what should I do now? Any advice welcome.
To be honest you probably really should get independent, professional advice no matter what feedback you get here.