Pension OverFund: Director's Retirement Portfolio(Pension) with Davy stockbrokers.


Registered User
My Father has a Director's Retirement Portfolio(Pension) with Davy stockbrokers.
His Portfolio manager rang him last week to tell him he was overfunded by 50000 and wants his to send a p60 for last year with an increased income.
My father's accountant believes that if he increase his income for the last 3 years before he retires that this should cover any overfunding.

Any comments very welcome.

Re: Pension OverFund: Director's Retirement Portfolio(Pension) with Davy stockbrokers

A complex area. From the [broken link removed]:

Re: Pension OverFund: Director's Retirement Portfolio(Pension) with Davy stockbrokers

It's pretty straightforward really.

The three year avergaing is fine, but if he is keeping his salary too low all along he will not be able to justify building up such a large fund - his large contributions will need to be "back ended" can't for example contribute €200K each year on a salary of €20K on the basis that you are going to quadruple the salary over last three years before retirement.

The portfolio manager should be coming up with answers rather than problems.