Pension and Part-time working


Registered User
A query arose among a few of us part-time/job share workers due to retire shortly which is:

As a job-sharer, I am sometimes on and sometimes off on public/bank holidays depending on when they fall and my roster. On the days I am officially off I get the benefit of a pro-rata payment while my job-share gets the benefit of the day off. The question however, is this, as I am a job-sharer my pension years are calculated on the time I worked i.e. 2 days one week and 3 the next BUT, as I pay a pension contribution out of the day's pay for the public holiday (when not on duty), should these days also be counted as working time for me. I am looking back on 15 years service so pro-rata (job-share) that is 7.5 years of some public/bank holidays where payment was received and pension contributions deducted.

thanks in advance.