Pension: Am I due a Refund ?




I have been wondering about this for a while. I have been on Disability Benefit since being involved in a car accident. As this is my only income, I have not been a PAYE tax payer for two years.

During this time I have been getting tax relief on my mortgage at source. But I have a pension also that I have still payed into. This is purely a private pension. I have always got tax relief on this.

Would I be entitled to a tax refund on my pension contributions for the past two years ? Im aware that I havent been paying tax. But in the same stroke,I do get tax relief at source for my mortgage.

Thanks for replys.
Some tax credits like mortgage interest relief, private health insurance premium relief and SSIA topups are granted at source and benefit everybody - even non taxpayers. Pension tax (and PRSI) relief is not the same and only benefits tax (and PRSI) payers. If you paid tax in 2006 then any contributions up to October 31st of 2007 can qualify for tax and PRSI relief against 2006 earnings. Note that Disability Benefit is assessable for income tax but if your total earnings may be below the relevant [broken link removed].