Penalty Points V Endorsement

Violet Rose

Registered User
Can someone advise what is the difference between having penalty points on a driving licence or having an endorsement -
Is there a difference?
Does it affect the cost of insurance cover or does it have a bearing on whether the company will take you or not?

I am trying to get insurance sorted for husband - insurance companies first question is Does he have penalty points - I say no but there is an endorsement on his licence.

Also the companies I have been ringing all request the premium up front - does anyone know of a company that will accept direct debit instalments

Many thanks
Penalty points would be for speeding,seatbelts driving while on the phone and vary in the severity of the offence, you can take the chance to go to court to dispute but if you lose the points will be doubled, an endorsement is for drink driving, dangerous/wreckless driving.

They both would have a bearing on insurance with penalty points on the low part of the scales getting a heavier loading the more you have.