Penalty points for no NCT.

Mechanical failure is the cause of a very small percentage of accidents.

If reducing accidents is the priority then making speed limiters and built-in breathalyzers mandatory is the only thing worth spending money on.
Website slow and not functional.

Yeah! Website the pits. Mrs Griz needs to change the dates of her booking but cannot access the calendar section.
The booking site seems to be available again after being down for a few days. I didn't get any reminder so I don't have a booking ID. It seems that I need the vehicle registration date, but god knows where the certificate is!
What a joke. I tried the website and got the message posted above about them being very busy. I tried the phone line and it doesn't even connect anymore, just goes to busy as soon as the number is dialled.

So, I can't contact them to arrange a test. Sure, I can keeping ringing them every few hours for the next few days, but that's a big waste of my time. What a joke.

This is just so typical of the way enforcement and regulation operates here. It's like the extended waiting list for the driving test that has been going on for ever. You need this, but we're going to limit who can give it to you, you're going to have to pay them, you're going to have to wait ages, you can be failed on the most bizarre things which don't reflect reality, you can't challenge the outcome, oh and we're going to allow them to just stop sending out reminders without telling anyone or changing the regulations and (get this) we're going to let them continue to under-resource the operation and be un-answerable to anyone for wasting a lot of time for a lot of people for a lot of years. Lucky whoever set up this world of wonder didn't set up the regulations for the the barrier-free toll system. Oh, wait . . .

Also, truck drivers note!! Penalty points apply if your truck OR trailer do not have an Doe or VTN (the equivalent of the NCT for HGV's)
Just realised that my 1995 Totota's NCT expires tonight at midnight. Have looked at web page and am trying to get a date but all dates seem to be n/a. What next?
You'll need to give them a ring. Mine was up in June, unfortunately I was making the booking around the same time as the issue of 5 penalty points arose and the earliest I could get was Oct 19th! I keep the confirmation letter in my car just in case.
Have snail mailed the NCT to get an appointment. My NCT is up this month. The web site seems to be stuck. If I get stopped by a guarda what is the worst thing that can happen? I need the car for work.