Payslip Query for Director


Registered User

I'm reviewing my payslips and before I talk to the accountant who processed them I have a query. As a Ltd company director, 99%/100% ownership, I should be Class S? I found this:

So this is PRSI at 4% of all that income. My question is that does this 'PRSI' appear on my PAYE Payslips? Is Class S PRSI paid by the employee or the employer?
Class S PRSI is paid only by the employee, there is no further % levied on the employer.
Ok, so the PRSI will appear on the payslip and all the income is classified as "PRSIable PAY EE" income?

In this case the payslips have been incorrectly done as PRSI Class A, so after being redone the Employee Net amount should be the same?
Yes the employee net amount would be the same, and the employer PRSI amount should read zero.