Paying a mortgage in lump sums

Henny Penny

Registered User
Can you get a mortgages which you pay back in 6 monthly lump sums (on receipt of a dividend for example) rather than in monthly installments? Or should this be negotiated as a personal loan at a fixed rate?
I've never heard of such a mortgage. I know you can pay a lump sum off my mortgage at any time. Mortgage rates are cheaper than personal loans so maybe you should look at this; pay off a monthly sum and the extra when dividends come through.

Personal loans have a higher rate but you don't have to shell out cash to solicitors, valuers etc., as you would with a mortgage. A balancing act really.
I don't know if anyone will allow you to defer payment until 6 monthly intervals i.e. pay in arrears (others may know better) but I'd imagine that you could simply overpay in advance and let them know that the lump sum is for the next 6 months the only drawback is you may not have it credited for interest purposes straight away.
In exceptional circumstances this *might* be possible but you'd need a very strong case. It would a case by case situation.
