paye tax donation registered charity


Registered User
my family made a collection for a hospice (registered charity) in the name of father when he passed away a couple of days ago, i was hoping to make the donation in my name and i believe that the government would top this donation up by 42 % as i am in that paye tax bracket - they gave dad great care and i want to maximise the money which we can donate by using this tax credit/break or however its termed

is there a lot of paperwork involved?
am i understanding the process correctly, i donate 1000 euro and then the charity can claim 420 euro back from government?

is it ok for the family to pool the money together and submit it in my name?

have read 2 other related posts in forum didnt understand about gift tax implications would the individual donations be deemed "gifts to me" and then in turn i would be donating the money as a lump sum
sure the gift tax would negate the donation tax benefit in that case !?? not sure what im talking about that last point

please help/clarify
ubend said:
is there a lot of paperwork involved?
No - as long as the donation is over €250 (cumulative) in any tax year then you simply fill in a CHY2 form (see bottom of [broken link removed]) and return it to the charity.

am i understanding the process correctly, i donate 1000 euro and then the charity can claim 420 euro back from government?

is it ok for the family to pool the money together and submit it in my name?
Yes - if necessary you can treat the money from the rest of the family as gifts below the relevant gift tax exemption limits (presumably) and the donation as coming totally from you.

If it is relevant at all, gift tax exemptions on gifts from various family members and others are pretty high and will most likely cover any money handed to you in respect of the charitable donation. For example the minimum gift tax exemption limit is €23K for unrelated donors and recipients. See .