PAYE pensioner Do I need to complete a Form 11 for UK part of pension


Registered User
Have always used Form 12 for tax return and obtaining a P21 balancing statement.
Revenue now say I have to complete a Form 11 because the uk portion of my pension is more that E3174. (pension E11000 !). Have had a look at this form11 and all I see is 34 pages of
crap, of which 99.9999% doesnt apply to me. There is nothing in the form 11 which I can not include on the Form 12. Any expert coments as to why the form 11 is being requested.
I have no assets other than my house and car.. and a rusty set of golf clubs
As Revenue told you, if your income other than Irish PAYE income exceeds 3,174 then you need to complete Form 11.