PAYE and BIK help please



Hoping someone can help me

I am a PAYE worker in the higher tax band of 41%

Looking at doing two things

1. Set up my AVC to max 15%
2. Avail of company car

I have asked my hr what would my net pay change too if i exercised both options and they told me " how can we be expected to tell you that"...straange

New to this country so have no idea regarding tax and ways to pay less

is there any website/programe where you can put in a project salary and it will give me a good estimate to my take home pay...anyone even got a spreadsheet

Need to take into account
Mortgage Allowance
Easi Travel Ticket
Car Allowance
Health Insurance for myself and my partner

Appreciate any help...thanks
I don't understand why your HR department can't tell you. Should take them five minutes to find that out.

Here's what you need to know about BIK
[broken link removed]

You might be able to get an idea by using this
[broken link removed]

Failing the above, you could download a free trial of this [broken link removed], which will allow you to process a couple of pay periods.

(I'm affliated with Payback)