patio grown tomatoes


Registered User
Was given a tomato plant a couple of months ago by a neighbour and although there is lots of tomatoes growing on it they are just not ripening. She bought them as patio plants and her's are not ripening either. We have had them in sun catching positions and I have also tried taking some indoors and placing them on a sunny window ledge but they stayed green.
Anyone any advice?
If they haven't at least started to ripen (ie getting a little bit of a red blush on them) they're unlikely to ripen at this stage outdoors. Pick them off and put them in a dark place, a drawer is ideal. Check them every couple of days, and in a week or so they'll be perfectly ripe.
Hi Sherman,
Thanks for your advice and have done what you said. I will be glad to have them ripening rather than looking at them and not being able to use them.
From what I remember you should also put a ripe tomato in with the green ones as it encourages them to ripen. Maybe peer pressure:)