Pass it on



Here we go again ...
Well it's that time of year again. A time for
festivities, a time for family and friends and a time
to destroy another british award ceremony.

>Ladies and Gentlemen, every year the main TV station
>in England runs a competition for "Sports Personality
>of the Year".... every year, an Englishman wins.

>In 1966, England won the World Cup... they still talk
>about it every time the team plays. Last weekend,
>England won the Rugby World Cup... we can't allow them
>to talk forever about it!
>This year, a great Irish football star won his first All-Ireland title.
>His name is Peter Canavan, and he should be sports personality of the
>You can help make this happen, wherever you are in the
>world. It takes a minute to vote. Just click on the
>link below, and fill in the form on the right side of
>the screen:
>Name - Peter Canavan
>Email address - you know that!
>Use all the email addresses you have, (each address
>can vote only once), and pass this on to everyone you
>know as soon as possible!
Boring old farts

Call me a boring old fart, but I find this habit of deliberately ruining some survey or vote to be a poor show.

It was fun once when A Nation Once Again got voted top UK hit of all time or whatever it was, but the joke, if it can be called that, has run its course by now.

Old Vik.
And I'm not talking about everyone who votes for Peter Canav


I mean people who deliberately vote multiple times in an organised way to weigh the vote. I know that's what votes are all about and I know the English will be busy voting multiple times for their favourites, but it doesn't mean there should be an orchestrated campaign over here.

Harupmh, harumph.


Sorry to spoil the fun but the first rule on the voting page is

"You can only vote for British sportsmen and women"

Can you come up with someone else that we can use?

Re: Rules


Tyrone is still part of the UK despite Sinn Fein's election results.

Re: Rules

"Tyrone is still part of the UK"
Tyrone is part of Ireland which is currently under British rule.

As Tony McCoy is being put forward by the BBC as a contender then surely Peter Canavan is just as acceptable

Tyrone is part of Ireland which is currently under British rule.

Only because they can't get the finger out to reinstate their own local administration...

I gave Johnny Wilkinson a million votes - so there... Huawwwwhh, huawwwwhhhhhhhhh.......
Peter Canavan........

Wilkinson 1/33 - Best price you'll get.
You'll be doing well to influence the result.
Re: Peter Canavan........

Who's Johnny Wilkinson, what does he play, some minor sport that England have done well in I suppose.

Alan, it worked for the Wolfe Tones. I don't know, I've received this mail 3 times already... Once it hits the US and Australia we might have Gary Lineker et al giving us a run down on how to play real football.
Is it working?

You can now back JW at 1/25. Haven't seen PC's name on the betting yet.

The BBC have been a little smarter than they were with the Wolfe Tones. There will be a shortlist made and the eventual winner will be picked by phone poll on the night.
Is it working?

They discount votes that are deliverately to sabotage this vote.
I remember the sporting press had a huge campaign to get some jockey to win and if his votes had counted then he'd have won easily, but they eliminate him.

It would be nice if a Gaelic Footballer got a mention though, although Peter Canavan wasn't even Tyrone's best player this year so I'd rule him out.

why do some begrudge England their victory?
Monk describing rugby as a minor sport. Played and enjoyed in how how many countries? Plenty.
another puzzle, we are a fairly open country with plenty of immigrants. We do our best not to offend them by not calling them foreign. Yet as an example Robbie Keane, Dublin born and bred is classed as playing a foreign game and therefore somehow classed as somehow not fully Irish. Pure This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language.
When the best team wins anything I for one am glad. That goes for England who are the best rugby team in the world this year.
I enjoy slagging England (soccer in particular) as much as anyone else. But when they win something they deserve I for one am not afraid to applaud them.
Johnny Wilkinson is worth the vote. He delivered when required. Pity about the odds.
The latest..........

Back to JW 1/33
Peter Canavan 200/1


Think you'd be wasting your time. Reading into the BBCs comments I suspect that if PC doesn't get the same proportion of phone/text votes as he does online votes that a good chunk of the online votes will be discarded.

As much as it kills me I would agree that JW deserves it.


why does it kill you?
If Brazil win the next world cup (odds ?) and say a Brazilian player is voted best in the world, will it kill you?
Time to cut the crap.

Re: sprtsperson

from the net today:
"The BBC sports personality of the year looks like a two-horse race. Jonny Wilkinson, hero of England’s rugby world cup winning side is neck and neck with Peter Canavan."
"The campaign appears to have accelerated over the weekend though the number of votes accumulated by Canavan will never be disclosed by the BBC."

Now where can we get the actual final voting figures before the BBC rig their own vote..

I've absolutely no problems voting anti-english, their rugby team captain showed what great sports personality's they really are when they visited here earlier this year. Even English politican's seem to have a healthly respect for other nations.,00.html

Three guys, one Irish, one English, and one Scottish, are out walking along the beach together one day. They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it. "I will give you each one wish, that's three wishes in total", says the Genie.
The Scottish guy says, "I am a fisherman, my Dad's a fisherman, his Dad was a fisherman and my son will be one too. I want all the oceans full of fish for all eternity." So, with a blink of the Genie's eye FOOM! the oceans were teaming with fish. The Englishman was amazed, so he said, "I want a wall around England, protecting her, so that no one will get in for all eternity."
Again, with a blink of the Genie's eye POOF! there was a huge wall around England.
The Irishman asks, "I'm very curious. Please tell me more about this wall." The Genie explains, "well, it's about 150 feet high, 50 feet thick, protecting England so that nothing can get in or out."
The Irishman says, "Fill it up with water."

If Brazil win the next world cup (odds ?) and say a Brazilian player is voted best in the world, will it kill you?

Nope, it fact Brazil & Ronaldo made me EUR2500 off a EUR20 bet in the last world cup. Brazil play an exciting brand of free flowing football that anyone can admire. Compare that to the England rugby team..