Part-time job Seekers Benefit


Registered User
Hi All,

I am currently working part-time (2 days one week and 3 the following) - I get paid Job Seekers Benefit for the days I dont work.
This has been the case for 20 months. I got a form to say this is due to cease and i could apply for assistance (partner working so probably wouldnt get anything TBH)
She said because of the way my work pattern has been for the last 20 months - I would be classed as 'full-time' - even though i only do 15 hrs a week (I was previously unemployed - redundant)
Is there a case for me to appeal their decision?

Thank you in advance
Are you actually actively seeking work on the days that you claim Job Seekers Benefit?
Is it ceasing because you are now being classed as fulltime, or because you have exhausted your entitlement to JB? It is only paid for (I think) 12 months (it used to be longer), but yours obviously ran on longer because you were not claiming for every single day. If it is the latter, then there are absolutely no grounds to appeal, unfortunately, as the same rule applies to everyone.
Yes I am actively seeking work for the days I am unemployed...and have kept a copy of all letters received from all my applications.

I just thought as I was paying PRSI I would automatically get the benefit...
She said they would consider me working full-time - even though I only work 15 hours a week!
I would actually get more if I gave up work......just doesnt seem to make sense.

Thanks for the info anyway