Parents stuck in Tenerife.......


Registered User
Hi can anyone please advise. Parents due to fly back from Tenerife with Aerlingus yesterday but..... no need to state obvious. Flight was showing delayed up to an hour ago but now showing cancelled. Plane is on runway over there, will they bring yeterdays passengers home or would I need to book a new flight for them?? (next available is next Wednesday)
What information have your parents been given? You would really need to ask them.
Any one know what options gor getting out of Gran Canaria. Ryanair flights grounded till Monday !
Ireland is effectively cut off from nearly everywhere by flight -and this situation may continue for several days -maybe longer.
Michael O'L thinks so, and the meteorologists are not optimistic.

Theoretically, Ireland is "clear" but we are surrounded on three sides by the cloud and the clearer western gap may narrow thus preventing any flights westward to/from America, a few of which are still operating.

As long as the volcano continues to spew those fumes then any travel in or out of Ireland by plane is subject to wind direction which can quickly change.
So, one may get a flight out to somewhere in a few days - and then find they can't get back home !

There is nothing nothing nothing that any airline, tour operator, travel agent can do -and if this situation continues for long the effects will be quite severe.
Imagine - no certainty about flights for days/weeks/months(!!) to come !

People who are stuck abroad have a real dilemma -either wait it out or try to get home via the nearest country (to Ireland) presently open to flights and then take the train/boat back to Ireland.
For example, fly Canaries to Madrid -then train to Cherbourg and boat to Rosslare (or train/boat via UK-Ireland).
A long expensive trip but far worse for the poor soles stuck further away.

Personally, I'd wait for the winds to change or the volcano to stop - but how long does one wait??
What costs more - staying for days and days in a foreign country or taking the land/sea option ?? Horrible dilemmas.

We all think that "there's no way" that this situation can last for long, but in 1820 a volcano in Iceland spewed masses of volcanic dust.
For a full year.