Parent refuses to make a will


Registered User
I need a bit of guidance here.

Elderly parent is refusing to make a will, and I now think she is suffering from dementia, so a solicitor may not cooperate in this regard.
There are multiple properties, with tenants. A business facing strike-off notice from CRO.
All her affairs are in chaos, including no tax returns made for over 10 years.
Its all getting beyond control.
Sounds like it's too late to intervene

Unless you can reasonably well list her assets and liabilities, it might be easier to do nothing

One option is to have someone nominated to take charge of her affairs but that could be costly both in financial costs and personal relations
Nothing you can do I'm afraid expect be prepared.

Will your parent allow you to start sorting / tidying paperwork so at least you can have all the records when the time comes?

Papers / bank statements being thrown out can be a problem as time goes on.
not a lot you can do but if you are going to end up being executor or a beneficiary, be prepared for a mess