parent died with drama

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My dad recently died. A couple of years ago he gave me the deed to his home and to property he owned. he also gave me and my sister a letter saying in case if he died to take care of his stuff. I figured he would put this in writing the legal way. Im not sure if he did I am at the point of getting a lawyer. he lived in NYC all his life but in 2001 he moved to phila.
( my sister and I were in foster care but my dad kept in contact with us and we have his last name. He wanted to keep us our mother didn't )

I found out a year ago he had 4 children they are younger than My sister and I. They were put into foster care then they were adopted by a family. I finally got to meet these ( GREEDY, angry hateful ) people. The first thing they said to me after HI was "so how much are we getting." Forget the fact that I was crying and talking about my dad and making funeral arrangements). They were introduced to me by another last name other than my fathers. they never had my fathers name prior to being adopted out. they never spent time with my father they only know who he is by pictures and stories. My dad never married their mother. ( I found all of this out and then some the same day I met these people)

I am posting today because a friend of mine said that she read somewhere that since those bodies were adopted out they are not intitled to my dads estate. unless he stated they are to get something, I have found nothing in their names. only three pictures of them when they were babies.

the only paper I found so far in my dads paperwork was his life insurance policy for my sister and I. I am still searching through his stuff.

My question is;;; Is my friends statement correct and If so where can I locate this on the internet. I just like to know what I am up against. legally as well as mentally. If anyone has been through being the head of an estate.
You're on an Irish site so, unfortunately, you'll probably not get an answer to your dilemma here.

I'm sorry about your difficulties ... I hope things work out for you.
This is an Irish website so im not entirely sure youll get the answers you require. But, normally when a person is adopted it is their adopted parents who are legally entitled to maintain them. As they were adopted this would seem to be the case.
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