P45 issued..not being made redundant..pitfalls?


Registered User
I work for a US multi-national in Ireland that has just being bought by another US multi-national. All the workers in Ireland have been issued with P45s but we are not being made redundant. My company says that issuing P45s is simply to resolve some tax/PRSI issues associated with being bought. My question....if I was to be made redundant in the next few years would the issuing of a P45 now affect my statutatory redundancy, as it won't account for my previous years worked? Are there any other pitfalls with being issued a P45 now? Thanks.
the company is right to issue you with a P45 as they ceased to be your employer.
now since the company was taken over by another company this does not affect your yrs of service if you were made redundant as your previous yrs of service will be taken into account.